Maine Coon Standard (TICA)  

General Description

The Maine Coon is America's native longhaired cat. The breed, with it essentially amiable disposition, developed through a natural selection process where only the fittest survived. It should always be remembered that the Maine Coon developed basically as a "working cat" able to fend for itself in rough, woody terrain and under extreme climatic conditions.

Maine Coons are a large breed with big ears, broad chest, substantial boning, al long, hard muscled, rectangular body and a long flowing tail. Good muscle tone and density give the cat the appearance of power. Important note: Females are proportially smaller than males and can weigh 4 to 5 pounds less. Allowance must be made for this significant size difference. Mature males can have larger, broader heads than the females.

The coat is shorter over the shoulders, becoming gradually longer down the back and sides, with long, full shaggy britches and belly fur. A full ruff is expected; however, there should be frontal ruff beginning at the base of the ears. The tail is long, at least as long as the body, and has long, full, flowing fur. A slight undercoat is carried, but the texture should not be cottony or wooly.


White trim around eyes, lips and chin allowed except in solid colors.


Pronunced whisker pads. Untershot chin. Nose break or severe bump at end. Lack of slight undercoat. Buttons, lockets, or spots. Straight nose pofile. Wide-set, flared ears. Long, stilty legs. Slanted, almond-shaped eyes. Flat tops on eye openings. Lack of belly shag. Short tail. Rounded head. Overall even coat. Short cobby body. Fine, light boning. Overall small cat.

Head: Shape: Broad, modified wedge. Size: Medium. Profile: Gentle concave slope. Allow for a slight bump at the end. Forehead: Gentle curve. Cheekbones: High, prominent. Distinct stop can be felt under cheekbones. Muzzle: Square. Chin: Firm, in line with nose and upper lip.

Ears: Shape: Wide at base. Lower base set just slightly furhter back than upper base. Moderately pointed. Size: Large, tall. Placement: Set high on head with a very slight outward tilt. Bases no more than an ear's with apart. Lynx Tips: Extend vertically from the top back of the ear. Furnishings: Extend horizontally beyond the outer edge of the ear.

Eyes: Shape: Slightly oval, appear round when wide open. Size: Large. Placement: Wide-set. Aperture: Slightly oblique; toward outer base of ear. Color: Any shade of green and/or gold, blue and odd-eyes accepted in whites. No relationship between coat and eye colors.

Neck: Length: Medium-long. Musculature: Sturdy.

Body: Sharpe: Long, rectangular, but not slender. Size: Large. Boning: Substantial. Musculature: Substantial and powerful.

Tail: Shape: Wide at base and tapering to tip with full, flowing hair. Length: At least as long as the body from shoulders to base of tail.

Legs: Length: Medium to form a rectangle with the body. Boning: Substantial. Musculature: Substantial.

Feet: Shape: Round, Size: Large. Toe Tufts: Well-tufted.

Coat: Length: Uneven; shorter on shoulders, gradually lengthening. Frontal ruff, long shaggy britches and belly fur. Texture: All-weather coat. Coat has district body, falling smoothly along body. Density: Slight undercoat.


Maine Coon Standard-TICA Point Score




20 points


Size and Shape

20 points



Muzzle and Chin

5 points




3 points




2 points





10 points


Size and Size

5 points



Size and Shape

3 points




2 points





10 points


Size and Shape

5 points




3 points



Furnishing and Lynx Tips

2 points





20 points


Size and Shape

10 points




5 points




3 points




2 points


Legs and Feet



10 points




10 points




20 points



10 points




8 points




2 points





5 points

TICA Show Calendar



The kittens of this set are Bonfires Mirage Of Tipsntufts and Bonfires Wetpaint Of Coonwyck.

Many thanx to Beverly Zuerlein for creating this wonderful set and to Lissa for the floating script !